Easy! Readers books are skillfully and cleverly written publications that explore best practices and web standards for seasoned and aspiring web professionals. Reigning web practitioner, Aaron Gustafson, and industry peers author a series of books that address holistic approaches to crafting top-notch websites.
With a strong focus on usability and accessibility, Easy! Readers’ mission is to guide readers through the origins, philosophies and practical uses of various topics as they relate to web standards. Because the web is an ever-changing medium whose scope, audience and platform continue to change and grow, we are dedicated to bringing you content that is dynamic and relevant.
Easy Readers books may be purchased in bulk for educational use. For more information, contact our educational sales department: education@easy-readers.net.
In print, the book is set in Fresco Plus and its companion, Fresco Sans Plus, both by Fred Smeijers. The book and chapter titles are set in Trade Gothic by Jackson Burke. Code is set in FF OCR F by Albert-Jan Pool.
In ePub and Mobi, the book is set in Fanwood by Barry Schwartz. The book titles are set in Trade Gothic by Jackson Burke. Chapter and section titles are set in League Gothic by The League of Moveable Type and Ostrich Sans by Tyler Finck. Code is set in Inconsolata by Raph Levien.
We believe in supporting local business and sustainable practices. The print version of this book was printed by Starkey Printing Company in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The paper used—100lb Chorus Art Silk Cover and 80lb Chorus Art Silk Text—is FSC certified and made with 50% recycled (30% post-consumer) content.