The Second Edition

Building an elegant, functional website requires more than just knowing how to code. In Adaptive Web Design, Second Edition, you’ll learn how to use progressive enhancement to build websites that won’t break, work anywhere, are accessible by anyone—on any device, and are designed to work well into the future.
Adaptive Web Design, Second Edition goes beyond the first edition to frame even more of the web design process in the lens of progressive enhancement. You will learn how content strategy, UX, HTML, CSS, responsive web design, JavaScript, server-side programming, and performance optimization all come together in the service of users on whatever device they happen to use to access the Web.
Understanding progressive enhancement will make you a better web professional, whether you’re a content strategist, information architect, UX designer, visual designer, front-end developer, back-end developer, or project manager. It will enable you to visualize experience as a continuum and craft interfaces that are capable of reaching more users while simultaneously costing less money to develop. When you've mastered the tenets and concepts in this book, you will see the Web in a whole new way—like Neo seeing the Matrix. You will gain Web design superpowers and become invaluable to your employer, clients, and the Web as a whole.
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About the Paperback
- 264 pages
- Full color, inside & out
- ISBN-13: 978-0134216140
- ISBN-10: 0134216148
Table of Contents
- Foreword by Jeremy Keith
- Chapter 1: Designing Experiences for People
- Chapter 2: Content is the Foundation
- Chapter 3: Markup is an Enhancement
- Chapter 4: Design is an Enhancement
- Chapter 5: Interaction is an Enhancement
- Chapter 6: Crafting a Continuum
- Appendix A: Progressive Enhancement Checklist
- Appendix B: Recommended Reading
- Index
- Acquisitions Editor: Nikki Echler McDonald
- Production Editor: Tracey Croom
- Development Editor: Stephanie Troeth
- Copy Editor: Kim Wimpsett
- Proofer: Patricia Pane
- Compositor: Danielle Foster
- Indexer: James Minkin
- Cover Design: Veerle Pieters
- Interior Design: Ben Dicks
- Technical Editors: Chris Casciano, Craig Cook, and Steve Faulkner